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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why math is important.

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Read the article "Why Math is So Important." 
Answer the following questions using complete sentences. Click on the "comment" link. 

1) What advice would you give to an underclassman, in regards to HS math courses?

2)  If you could have done anything differently in HS/MS math, what would it have been?


  1. Holly Reifsnyder Period: 8

    1) What advice would you give to an underclassman, in regards to HS math courses?
    - I'd tell them to take the math they're comfortable with taking, but an advanced course could help them out a lot in the long run, and it's usually not too much more difficult then the class they would be taking.

    2) If you could have done anything differently in HS/MS math, what would it have been?
    - My Senior year i should have taken a higher math course, but from the look of Trig, i thought this would be enough of a challenge for me. But i should have looked further into it.

  2. 1) If I could give an underclassman advice as to what to do with high school math courses, I would say first off that everything up to algebra is very important. I know that some of the relatives I have say that math is applied in everyday life for them. Although it may not be as difficult as algebra functions, it is still used, therefor it's important to continue building and using your math skills in high school while you still can.

    2) The one thing I would have done differently in high school math if I had the chance would be to pay a bit more attention in class. The first two years I had a bit of trouble. But hopefully this year will be better.

  3. 1) The advice that i would give to an underclass man would be to take his classes seriously and that if he wanted to atened a college that he should take four years of math.

    2)Something different thata i would have done would have been to take an advanced class rather than staying in a CP class.

  4. The advice that I would give to an underclassman in regards to HS math is to take math every year. I would advise them to do this because many colleges have a math requirement, and also it will help in the long run with general education classes in college. I would also tell them to take it seriously because getting good grades not only helps boost your GPA but it also plays a big role in being accepted to certain colleges, and jobs down the road.
    If I could have done anything different in high school and middle school math I would have done honors, so I could get farther in the math program, which would look better to colleges. Also, I would have taken my classes more seriously to have a higher GPA and a better chance of getting into as many colleges as possible so I have more of a choice on where to attend. I also would have paid more attention in class that way I would not have had some of the trouble that I did.

  5. If I had to give an underclassman advice in regards to high school math, I would tell them to get help with the class if they don't understand things because a lot of the things that they learn in class will tie in with other parts of the course and other math courses. I would also tell them to take a math class their senior year, even if they hate math, because it will look good to colleges.
    If I could re-do anything in high school math it would be doing all of the homework I had in 10th grade because I usually didn't do it and I only had a B or something for they year in that class.

  6. brandon wentzel

    If a under classmen would come to me for advise in math i would tell them that math links together. If you get lost in one part and have a hard time understanding try as hard as you can. Just because you dont get it at first it you might understand it later on as the unit contiues. with math the deeper you get into it the more it starts to make sence epichally when you place a math problem in a "real world senario".

    if i could go back in my math classes and chang the way it was tought I would. some of my teachers oly gave my problems and formulas to memorize. I was told about why the formulas worked like the way they did and i couldnt relate to what the point of the equation was. once i started my engineerng classes however it all made sense and it just clicked for me because i then knew the real reason why we had to it that way instead of the "thats what you have to learn to do" reason.

  7. 1) The advice I would give high school underclassman in regards of the math courses in our high school, would be stay focused and work hard your first three years. Only three years of math is required but a fourth would look good on college applications so thats another little tip I would give them as well. Math really isnt the easiest subject in our highschool but if they would work hard and stick with it math shouldnt really cause that many problems.

    2) What I wouldve done differently is probably work a little bit harder back in tenth and eleventh grade in math. Math really isnt my favorite subject and both those years I had really bad classes (the students that where in my class) so I got easily distracted.

  8. 1) The advice I would give an undeclassman regarding math is to try and take a course you are comfortable with or a course that you want to be challenged in. If you're not so good at math try taking a course that you think will go with the same pace you go along with learning. If you do well in math go for a course that is challenging and will go a little faster in pace.

    2) If I could have done anything differently in math through highschool I would have tried to take trigonometry my Junior year so I wouldn't have to worry about a math my senior year. In ALgebra 2 last year I felt l9ike pone of the only juniors in that class since it was so filled up with sophopmores. Taking Trigonomentry last year would have helped me in the ;long run this year since I am taking more advanced courses this year than last year.

  9. Some advice I would give to some of the underclassmen about taking math classes would be to think about the class you would like to take and make sure you’re not taking a class that is too hard for you.
    I wouldn’t change anything about the math classes I have taken at Wilson high school because I really liked all of them and also the teachers I have had .

  10. The advice I would give underclassmen is to pay attention during math classes and get good grades. Also if possible try to take the advanced math class for your grade, because it is an advantage over other students and looks better. If you are to do that though, then you should probably pay more attention and take the class more seriously.

    One thing I would change about my math courses in high school is that I would have taken them much more seriously then I did. I fooled around and didn't get the best grades. At least the grade I think I could have gotten. When I try and put my mind to it, I get very good grades. That's what I should have done my entire high school education, not just some of the time.

  11. 1) Take some sort of Geometry or something of that caliber while in high school to prepare you for college or even standardized testing such as the SAT s or ACT s that will be used to get into college. Also the more math classes you can take in high school, the more prepared you will be. Anything that you learn while in high school could eventually end up helping you in a career that you decide to pursue as well.

    2) If i could do anything different throughout my high school math courses it would be that i finished all of my homework and did that extra step to go through and work on problems the night before to help prepare myself for tests, it would have made taking test much simpler.

  12. The advice I would give an underclassmen in regard to high school math courses is that even though we have the mentality to just get by high school the quickest and easiest way possible, don’t let laziness rule you. I know a lot of people who HATE math and choose to skip math on their senior year and take time to relax but then once you get to college you get lost. So my advice is just to take math courses all throughout high school to get you prepared for college.
    One thing I would have done differently in my sophomore year in high school is not slack and actually pay attention in class because in the long run I had to makeup all of what I missed. So it became harder t for me in my junior year to catch up to my other classmates because I had twice the work to do. So that lesson is learned.

  13. 1) My advice to the underclassmen would be to pay attention in their future math classes. As they move on from grade to grade the teachers want them to become more independent and this is hard if they do not pay attention in class. Another piece of advice would be to take any math available to you while you are in high school because once you get to college you will have to take the certain courses that you have not taken already in high school.

    2) If I could have done anything better in high school math I would have taken a summer math course so that I could skip ahead a math and be ahead of some people in my grade. I would have done this so that when I get to college I will not have to take as many math courses as people who just took the level of math they followed from middle school to high school. Another thing I should have done better was pay attention. Due to the lack of attention in 10th grade my math grade suffered and then in 11th I learned that I had to pay attention especially with the difficulty in which the teacher taught. Paying attention is essential in any subject but probably math the most cause it can jump from one subject to another with very little transition.

  14. 1) The advice that I would give to an underclassman, in regards to HS math, would be to always do your homework, even if you don't get graded for it. It will only be helping you in the long run and will help you to do well on tests and quizzes. I would advise them to take math every year even senior year because colleges look at that, and colleges require you to take math courses, so by taking math every year it will only be helping you. Taking math will help on your SATS, and to boost your GPA. Also taking math courses in High School will help you prepare for a career.

    2) If I could have done anything differently in high school and middle school math, I would have taken honors math classes. This is because it would have helped me boost my GPA up and take math more seriously. It would also look better to colleges and show them I really tried. Also, I would have gotten more help on some areas that I had the most difficulty with and I would have asked more questions to my previous math teachers on something I didn't understand.

  15. The advice I would give to underclassman, in regards to HS courses is to work hard in all your math classes and take four years of math. Some colleges and universities require two to three year of math. However, any additional years of math will better your chances of getting into college. Also, if you take four year of math you might not have to take a particular math course in college because you already took it. Furthermore, advance math classes are extremely helpful! Not only do college and universities like to see that you took honors or AP classes in math but advances courses benefits your work ethics. If you take advances classes you stepping outside of the box and giving yourself the opportunity for a challenge! In the long run, four years of math and hard work will definitely pay off and benefit your future!

    Looking back now, if I could of done something differently in during my high school year, I would of taken my junior year seriously. During my junior year, I was unfocused and careless in most of my classes. Some of my grades didn't reflect my real capabilities. Everyone always says how your junior year is the hardest and to take it seriously for college. I totally ignored that advice and let it fly over my head. I strongly recommend that everyone take their junior year seriously and works to the extremes!

  16. If I had to give advice to an underclassman regarding HS math courses, I would start off by telling them how important math is. Math is important because you need the math skills to take tests such as the SAT’s and the ACT. Math will also help you out in the long run. Your math skills will be useful when you are ready to go to college, it will even prepare for a career. Overall, I would tell them that even if you don’t like math it is still an important class to take, and just make sure you take a math class that is right for you and is something you can handle.

    If there was something I could have done differently in HS or MS math I would have maybe taken a more advanced math knowing it may be helpful in the future. For example last year I wish I would have taken honors instead of CP. I had friends who took honors who said it was basically the same thing, it just moved a little faster. I think that may have helped me. It also would have gotten me farther in math Other than that, I don’t know of anything else I would really want to change.

  17. When I move the "a" slider, it alters the angle of the lines on the graph. When I move the "h" slider, it alters where the vertex of the angle hits this x-axis. Finally, when I move the "k" slider, it alters where the vertex of the angle hits the y-axis.

  18. The k changes the location on the y axis, the h changes the location on they x axis and the a changes the slop of the line.It also determines if the slop is positive or negitive. it also alters the angles of the line.

  19. Vallon,Dieunina Period#7October 18, 2010 at 1:00 PM

    When i move the variable A the steepness change, it can go to undefined and/or to zero. The h moves the line across the X axis from left to right, or right to left. The right would be positive and the left would be negative on a number line. The k moves the line on the Y axis. the higher the value the higher the line and the lower the value the lower the line go, which would be in the negative.
