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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Absolute Value Functions

Visit "Graphing Absolute Value Equations" - Open link in a new tab by right-clicking or holding CTRL while left-clicking.

Alter the a, h, and, k.  Using complete sentences, describe how each variable manipulates the parent function f(x)=|x|.

*Submit your response using the following format:
 Last Name, First Name - Period # - Enter this information in the Comment as: Name/URL

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  1. The cool thing is, that when you do figure out these rules, they work for ALL functions!!!

  2. Niculcea, Rebecca Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:15 AM

    When I alter the a slider the slope changes. When I alter the h slider the point on the x axis changes by increasing or decreasing. When I alter the k slider the point on the y axis either increases or decreases.

  3. Yancey, David Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:17 AM

    I noticed that when I change the "A" input, the slope of the function changes. Also, when the "H" and "K" inputs are changed, the x intercept("H" input) and the y intercept("K" input) change.

  4. Quenee, Jerri. Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:17 AM

    "a" changes the slope of the lines, while "h" changes the x value, and "k" changes the y value of the lines.

  5. Deane, Taylor period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:18 AM

    when i slide the a slider to the right, the angle of the two rays becomes smaller, however when moved to the left, it becomes bigger.
    when i slide the h slider to the right the entire angle gets shifted along the x axis to the right. when moved to the left it shifts to the negatice x axis.
    when i slide the k slider to the right it moves the angle upwards along the y axis. when i slide it to the left it shifts the angle along the negative y axis.

  6. the larger A is in the negative or positive the closer the two lines are together. the H moves the two lines horizontially along the x axis and the K moves the lines vertically along the Y axis. the slope of the two lines stay the same except for when A is changed.

  7. Shah, Muneeb- Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:18 AM

    When you change the a variable, the function's angle changes. When you change the h variable, the x intercept changes. When you change the k variable, the y intercept changes.

  8. Kate Gantner- Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:19 AM

    When you change the A slider, the slope of the line changes, when the B changes the x coordinate changes because the vertex moves from left to right, and when the K slider is moved, the y coordinate changes because the vertex moves either up or down.

  9. Cavorsi, Matt Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:19 AM

    I noticed that when I changed the (a) in the equation, the slope of both lines changed. If i changed it to 2 the slope of the left line would be negative 2 and the slope of the right would be positive 2. When I changed the (h) in the equation, it altered the (x) coordinate of the point where the two lines intersect. Conversely, when the (k) was changed, the (y) coordinate of the point where the two lines intersect changed.

  10. The a variable alters the slope by changing what y equals. The h variable alters the x intercept by changing what is subtracted by x in the absolute value area. The k variable alters the y axis by changing what is added on after the absolute value part of the equation.

  11. Poore, Jesse - Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:20 AM

    I noticed that when I change the a slider, the lines change their slope proportionally. When I change the h slider, the function shifts the point at where they meet on the x axis. As I change the k variable,the vertex changes its location on the y axis.

  12. Bryla, Christopher-Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:21 AM

    When I change the A value, the slope changes to whatever the A number is.

    Then, when I changed the H value, the equation moves to horizontal to the right when the number gets larger and moves to the left when the number gets.

    Finally, when I change the K value, the y intercept of the line change on the graph to whatever the number K is.

  13. Scull, Westley Jr. period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:21 AM

    the variable (A) is the slope. for example, if a equals 1 then the slope will be 1/1. The (H) variable stands for where the vertice of the two lines are located at on the X axis. While the (K) variable stands for where the vertice of the lines are located at on the Y axis. Therefore (A) is the slope, (H) is the position on the X Axis, and (K) is the position on the Y axis.

  14. Fuoti, Ashley Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:21 AM

    When I increase the A slider the black line increases and moves upwards towards the Y axis. It does the opposite as the A slider decreases. When the H slider is increased the black lines move across the X axis to the right, and when it is decrease the lines move left on the X axis. When the K slider is increased the black lines move up on the Y axis. When it id decreased they move down on the Y axis.

  15. The "a" changes the degree of the angle given by the line. It also changes the slope of the line as well. The "h" moves the line along the x axis without changing its y axis. The "k" moves the line onto a different y intercept.

  16. Soisson,Barret, period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:22 AM

    The A slider moves the inner line around the coordinate plane in a circle but makes it keep the same center point. It works like a compass. The H slider moves the inner line up and down along the Y axis. The last slider, K moves the inner line back and forth along the X axis.

  17. Gartner, Lexie Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:22 AM

    When you change the a slider the black line moves. If the a value is positive then the lines on the graph look like a v but if the value is negative the graph is a upside down v. At zero the line is straight across at the x axis. A changes the slope of each line. The line on the left side has a negative slope when the a value is positive and when the a value is negative the slope is positive. Also with the line on the left side the slope is positive when the a value is positive and the slope is negative when the a value is negative.
    With the variable h, it moves where the lines are on the x axis. Where the two lines intersect, they meet on the x axis where the h value is.
    With the variable k, moves where the lines intersect on the y axis.

    So if the k=1 and the h=1 the two lines will intersect at the point (1,1)

  18. Armstrong, Emily Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:23 AM

    If you change the a slider, than it changes the slope of the line. It can make it more or less steep, depending on the number. The h slider changes the position of the points on the x-axis, while the k slider changes the position of the points on the y-axis.

  19. Voigt, Grady Period 5October 18, 2010 at 11:24 AM

    I noticed that the higher I increased the A value, the thinner it gets and the closer it gets to a strait verticle line. The lower i take it, the wider it gets. The further I go, It gets thinner and becomes a strait verticle line going downward. When I move the H line to the right, the graph goes to the right. When I move it left the graph goes to the left. When I move the K to the right, it comes closer together and thins out to the right side. When I move it to the left it expands out into the left side of the graph.

  20. Jourdan Harris Period 1October 18, 2010 at 11:49 AM

    For absolute value functions I think "a" stands for the slope of one of the lines because when I change it on the graph it gets wider when decrease the number and narrower when I increase the number. I think the "h" stands for the x point in the vertex. On the graph, when I make the number larger it slides to the right of the x-axis and when I make it negative it moves to the right of the x-axis. I think "k" stands for the y point in the vertex. On the graph, when I make the number larger it moves up the y-axis and when I make it smaller it moves down the y-axis.

  21. When I alter the "k" function it moves the where the two lines meet to that number on the y-axis. When I alter the "h" function it does the exact same thing except on the x- axis. When i alter the "a" funtion it creates different angles with the two lines but the point where the lines meet don't move.

  22. O'Brien, Megan period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:52 PM

    The "a" stands for the slope of the line. When you make a bigger the slope is then larger. The h slider changes the point on the x axis, and the y axis stays the same. The k slider moves down the y axis. The bigger it gets, the higher it gets on the y axis and also gets smaller when the k slider goes down. Nothing on the k slider changes the x axis.

  23. Kahl, Erica Period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:53 PM

    When the "a" value is changed, the slope of the lines changes. The the higher the absolute value of the "a" value, the steeper the lines will be.
    When I use the "h" slider, the position of the lines on the graph changes horizontally. The "k" slider changes the vertical position of the lines on the graph. This represents the value of "b" in the equation.

  24. George Dietrich pd 7October 18, 2010 at 12:53 PM

    I noticed that as I changed the a value I changed the slope of the two sides at the same time. As I changed the h value it slid left or right but with the same slope of a line. By moving the k value it moved up or down. What ever happened on the one side had to have happened on the other.

  25. Ehrlich, Brittney Period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:54 PM

    When I move the h slider to the right, the lines also shift to the right. When I move it to the left, the lines shift to the left. When I move the k slider to the right, the lines move up. When I move it to the left, the lines move down. When I move the a slider to the right, the slope gets larger. When I move it to the left, the slope gets smaller.

  26. Hopkins, Ally period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:54 PM

    when i slide the "a" slider to the right, the angle of the two rays becomes smaller, and the angle of the rays become bigger when i slide it to the right. when you slide the "h" slider to the right the entire angle gets moved along the x axis (positive) to the right. when you move it to the left it shifts along x axis again (negative). lastly, when i slide the "k" slider to the right it moves the angle upwards (positive) along the y axis and when i slide it to the left it shifts the angle along the y axis (negative) in the same manner the "h" slider did.

  27. Lewis, David Period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:55 PM

    For absolute value functions i think that A is the slope of the black line because when you chang that number it changes ony the slope. I think H is the point on the x-axis because when you change the H number the point on the x-axis in which the point of the black line is on changes with it. I think that K is the point is on the y-axis because when you change that number it changes with the y-axis.

  28. Megan Osika, Period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:55 PM

    When you adjust the A slider, the slope of the line changes. If you slide to the left, the slope decreases. If you slide to the right, the slope increases. When you adjust the H slider, it adjusts where the two lines connect on the x axis. Where they connect moves either right or left. When you adjust the K slider, you adjust where the lines intersect on the y axis. where they connect either move up or down.

  29. Larkin, Rachel- Period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:55 PM

    I noticed that when the ‘a’ slider is altered, the angle of the two lines becomes more narrow or wider because the slopes of the lines change. When the ‘h’ slider is altered, it moves the vertex of the two lines along the x-axis. When the ‘k’ slider is altered, the vertex of the two lines moves up and down on the y-axis, changing the y intercept in the equation.

  30. Rice, Jacque period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:56 PM

    When you change the "A" of the function the slope changes.When the "H" slider is moved the vertex moves horizontally which means the x coordinate was changed. When the "K" slider is moved the y coordinate changes because the vertex moves vertically.

  31. Gombos, Collin period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:57 PM

    I belive for the absolute valu functions "a" is representing it. the reason i think this is because the bigger the number i make "a" the thinner the V gets. next i think "H" stands for X in the equation because everytime i change the number the V moves uo and down the X axis. i believe that "k" stands for the Y axis because everytime i make the number bigger the V moves up on the Y axis, and everytime i make it a smaller or negative number the V moves down in the Y axis.

  32. Smith, Nathan period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:58 PM

    The "H" slider alters the position of the points on the x-axis. The "K" slider alters the position on the y-axis. So if i move the "K" slider to the left it will be negative and if i move it to the right it will be positive. If you move the "A" slider the slope will change.If i move the "A" slider 2 over the line will move closer and if i move the "A" slider to a negative the 2 lines will get farther apart.

  33. Jake Kollar Period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:58 PM

    I noticed that when I changed the A in the equation, the slope of both lines changed. When I changed the H, it moved on the X axis. When the K was changed, the point on the Y axis was changed.

  34. Henrich, Leah period 7October 18, 2010 at 12:58 PM

    Moving the "a" slider makes the angle of the two black lines either smaller or bigger. A higher number makes the angle smaller, and a value of 0 makes the angle 180 degrees. Moving the "h" slider moves the lines along the x-axis. The "k" slider moves the lines along the y-axis.

  35. If one alters the A slider by sliding it to the right it decreases the slope of the first line and increases the slope of the second line. If one moves the A slider to the left then it decreases the slope of the second line and increases the slope of the first line. This is due to the fact that it uses absolute value in the equation, so there are two possible answers. If one simply alters the H slider it changes the X-Intercept on the X-Axis. If the slider moves to the left the X-Intercept moves to the left and if it is moved to the right then the X-Intercept moves to the right. When one alters the K slider it changes the spot where both lines cross the Y-Axis. If the slider moves to the left the Y-Intercept moves down vertically and if the slider is moved to the right the Y-Intercept moves up vertically on the Y-Axis.

  36. Kenney, Elena Period- 7October 18, 2010 at 1:01 PM

    When I slide the "a" I think that it changes the slope because the angle of the lines become wider. Also, when "a" is slid to the negative numbers, the lines go up a different way like a negative slope. I think that "k" is sort of like a y-intercept because the line slides up and down on the y-axis. The variable "h" I think stands for the x-axis on the graph because the line slides left to right making the number larger of smaller. So, I think "h" is sort of like an x-intercept.

  37. Brenner, Brenda period 7October 18, 2010 at 1:02 PM

    When I moved te a slider the absolute value function arms moved so I believe that the a stands for the slope of the function. When I moved the h slider the function moved horizontally therefore I believe that the h stands for the x coordinate of the vertex. When I moved the k slider the function moved vertically therefore I believe that the h stands for the y coordinate of the vertex.

  38. When the A value is increased the line gets thinner, if the line is decreased the line gets wider. When i move the H value the line moves back and forth on the x axis. when i move the K value the line moves back and forth on the y axis.

  39. As I alter the (a) value, the the graph angle either becomes acute or obtuse. As I alter the (h) value, the graph moves horizontally to the left or right. As I alter the (k) value, the graph moves vertically up or down.

  40. Krall, Hannah- period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:28 PM

    As I move the “a” value, the graph’s slope changes to make it positive or negative. As I move the “h” value, the graph moves to the left or to the right along the x axis to change the x-intercept. As I move the “k” value, the graph moves up or down along the y axis to change the y intercept.

  41. Schucker, Tyler-period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:28 PM

    As I slide the A to the right, it increases the slopes of the lines. where as if i slide the A to the left, it decreases the slopes of the lines. If I slide the H to the right, the function slides to the right; or if I slide it to the left, it slides to the left. If i slide the K to the right, it slides the function up on the Y axis and vice-versa if i slide K to the left.

  42. Endy, Christina - Pd. 9October 18, 2010 at 2:29 PM

    When I slide the A slider the V gets wider (more open) or it closes more. As the A value increases the slope of the graph becomes steeper. When I slide the H slider the V moves to the left or right It goes right when I make the H value higher and left when I make the H value lower. When I slide the K slider as the K value increases the V shifts upward. As the K value decreases the V shifts downward. A is the slope, H is the x value, and K is the y value.

  43. Reed, Nick- Period oneOctober 18, 2010 at 2:30 PM

    As the H changes, whatever it's value is will be the x- value.
    As the k value moves, it's value is that of the y-axis.
    A is the slope, and the steeper the slope, the higher the A.

  44. Hahn, Matt -Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:30 PM

    As I change the "A" slider, the slope of the lines change. This is because it is an absolute value function, there will be a positive and negative equation and two answers, so there is a line on both the positive and negative x side of the graph. When I change the "H" slider, it changes the x intercept of the graph. The "K" slider changes the y intercept of the graph.

  45. Bentz, Emily - Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:30 PM

    As I move the "A" slider it changes the slope of the equation it moves so that the center point remains the same and the line rotates around that point to change the slope. When i move the "H" slider it moves the x intercept and value but all the other values remain the same. As I move the "K" slider it moves and changes the y intercept but keeps the same slope.

  46. Jordan, Torey- Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:30 PM

    When I changed 'a' the slope of the lines changed. When I changed the 'h' the place on the x axis that the vertex is on changed. When I changed the 'k' the place on the y axis that the vertex is on changed.

  47. Holbert, Alexus- Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:30 PM

    As I move the A value the V-shape gets more narrow as the value gets larger, and as the value decreases, it gets bigger until you hit the x-axis then it goes back to get more narrow. With the H value, the point on the origin just shifts from side to side but remains on the x-axis. Just as the H value, the origin shifts up and down on the y-axis.

  48. Lillis, Margaret Period 9 KaufmannOctober 18, 2010 at 2:30 PM

    When the a value is increased, the angle formed by the two intersecting lines gets smaller and the slope is increased. As the h value is increased, the X intercept is increased. When the k value is increased, the Y intercept is increased.

  49. McGregor, Sarah - Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:31 PM

    As the A value increases the graph becomes steeper and the lines closer together. As the A value decreases the graph becomes less steep and the lines wider apart.Therefore, I think that the A value stands for the slope. As the H increases the graph shifts to the right along the x -axis. As the H decreases the graph shifts to the left along the x-axis. As the K increases the graph shifts up along the y-axis. As the K decreases the graph moves down along the y-axis.

  50. Byrne, Adrian - Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:31 PM

    Changing the "a" on the graph changes the slope, both the negative and positive side. while keeping the same middle point. The "h" moves the figure from left to right, horizontally, on the x axis. The "k" on the graph moves the figure up and down, vertically, on the y axis.

  51. Pietrobono, Matt Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:31 PM

    As the a slider gets father away from zero the slope of the two lines gets steeper. As the a slider gets closer the zero the slope of the two lines gets less steep. As the h slider moves higher in the positives the x-intercept gets larger, and as the h slider gets father into the negatives the x-intercept gets larger as well. As the k slider gets into the positives there is no y- intercept, but as the k slider gets into the negatives the y-intercept gets larger in the negatives.

  52. Brown, Heather- Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:31 PM

    As I change the “A” slider, the slope of the “V” changes. As a change the “H” slider, the position on the x axis changes and moves from left to right. As I change the “K” slider the position on the y axis changes and moves up and down.

  53. Culp Curry, Rachel (9)October 18, 2010 at 2:32 PM

    As I changed ‘A’, the black line moved closer to the y-axis, therefore lessening the space between the black rays. As I changed ‘H’, it moved to the left or right depending on whether or not I increased the value or decreased. If I increased the value of ‘H’, the vertex of the two rays moved further up the positive side of the x-axis, and as I decreased the value the vertex would go further down the negative side of the x-axis. As I moved the final variable, ‘K’, it moved on the y-axis. If I increased the value of ‘K’, the vertex of the two rays would move up the y-axis, towards the positive area, and if the value of ‘K’ was decreased it would move down the y-axis towards the negative area.

  54. Huber, Paige-Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:32 PM

    As I slide the A slider to the right, the slope gets steeper, but as I slide the A slider to the left, the slope gets flatter. As I slide the H slider to the right and to the left, the line moves from side to side on the x axis. As I move the K slider to the right, the line moves up the y axis and the angle gets smaller, but as I slide the K slider to the left, the line moves down the y axis and the angle gets bigger.

  55. spong, emily- period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:32 PM

    i noticed that when you move the A slider, the slope of the blue line changes. if you move the slider to the right, the slope decreases. if you move the slider to the left, the slope increases. When you move the H slider, the line moves along the x-axis without moving along the y-axis. When you move the K slider, the line moves along the y-axis without moving along the x-axis.

  56. As I move a, the line has the same y intercept. The lower the value of a is, the lines are in the form of an upside down v. The line becomes horizontal when it is the value of 0. When the value of a is positive, it is in a rightside up v and is getting a steeper slope. The h line just moves in a horizontal direction. The larger the value, the more the line moves to the right of the graph. For k, the line moves along its vertical line. The higher the number, the greater y value for the funtion. the lower the value, the lower the funtion is on the graph.

  57. Cockrum, Hailey Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:32 PM

    As I alter the ‘A’ slider, the slope of the line changes. A negative ‘A’ value produces a line that is located below the x-axis and a positive ‘A’ value gives a line located above the x-axis. When I change the ‘H’ slider, the position of the absolute value equation on the x-axis changes. The number indicated on the ‘H” slider tells where the two lines will meet on the x-axis. The ‘K’ slider works in the same way as the ‘H’ slider yet for the y-axis. As the number of the ‘K’ axis changes so does the vertical position of the absolute value equation.

  58. Kreuzberger, Nicole - period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:32 PM

    I noticed that when I change the number with the a slider it consequently alters the slope of the lines. This causes the V's angle to get smaller or larger depending on the slopes value. I also noticed that when I moved the h slider the x intercecpt of the lines changes to match that number which causes the V to move horizontally along the X axis. Lastly, I noticed that when I slide the k slider the Y intercept of the V changes causing the V to shift vertically to match the number the slider is set on.

  59. Kamprath, Sruthi Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:33 PM

    When A is increased to the right, the slope of the first line decreases and the slope of the second line increase. When H is moved, it effects the x axis. A lso, when K is moved it effects the y axis. K is like the y-intercept, and H is like the x-intercept.

  60. Dodson, Kevin Period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:33 PM

    When I move the “a” slider, the slope of the function changes. When I change the “h” slider, the function shifts horizontally. When I change the “k” slider, the function shifts vertically.

  61. Chaiko, Natalie period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:34 PM

    As the a is slided it changes the slope of the line. As its increased it gets thinner as its decreased it gets wider. When you move the h it moves on the x axis. As you move the K it moves on the y axis.

  62. Steudel, Johanna-period 9October 18, 2010 at 2:35 PM

    As I move A to the left the number right before the absolute value decreases and the V presented on the graph gradually becomes horizontal and wider. If I were to keep moving the point on the slider eventually the number would hit the negatives. As I move A to the right of the slider the number before the absolute value increases and the V gradually becomes vertical and thinner in appearance.
    As I move the point on the H slider to the right the value being subtracted from X increases and the V moves to the right as well. The number being subtracted by the X is the same as the vertex hitting the X axis. As I move the point to the left the value being subtracted by x becomes a negative number and the V moves to the right.
    As I move K to the right on the slider the V moves vertically up the Y axis and the constant at the end of the equation in increases positively. The number also resembles the number on the y axis where the vertex of the angle touches. As I move the point to the left the V move vertically down into the negatives and the constant at the end of the equation also becomes negative.

  63. Brian Selman Period 1October 18, 2010 at 3:34 PM

    As you change the A in the equation the slope of the two lines change. For example as you increase A the slope gets greater and the two lines get closer together. As you change H in the equation it changes the vertex of the line by moving it left and right. If you increase H then the vertex moves to the right and as you decrease it the vertex moves to the right. Thus, affecting the x-intercept. As you change K in the equation it changes the vertex of the line by moving it up and down. As you increase K the vertex moves up the y-axis, and as you decrease K the vertex moves down the y-axis. Thus, affecting the y-intercept.

  64. Krut Emily Lilly Period 2October 18, 2010 at 3:46 PM

    As A increases the slope is steeper and as A decreases the slope becomes less steep. As H increases the vertex shifts to the right on the x axis and as H decreases the vertex shifts to the left on the x axis. As K increases the vertex moves up on the y axis and as K decreases the vertex moves down the y axis.

  65. Kumar, Akshara Lilly Period 2October 18, 2010 at 4:15 PM

    When the "a" value increased in the absolute value equation, the slopes of the graph become steeper. When the "a" value is decreased, the two slopes become more straight, and eventually the whole graph will flip when "a" becomes negative. The value of "h" in this equation represents the x-value of the vertex. When "h" is increased, the x-value moves to the right; when the "h" value is decreased, the x-value moves to the left. Finally, the "k" value in this equation represents the y-value on the graph. The vertex moves up or down depending on the increase and the decrease of the "k" value (respectively).

  66. Wagner, Erika Lilly period 1October 18, 2010 at 4:38 PM

    As you cange the 'a' the slope becomes either steeper or flatter depending on what you alter the a as. As for h it changes where the vertex is if you move it right it's positive left is negative it moves along the x axis. Then k is the y intercept depending on your y value your vertext will move positive or negative.

  67. Erik Bowers, Lilly, per 3October 18, 2010 at 4:39 PM

    I noticed that the "a" slope that if it's negative the lines reflect over the x axis and make a downward graph. Also the "h" changes the vertex on the x axis, you always flip the h so if it's negative in the absolute value u make it positive. For the "k" it changes the vertex on the y axis. The vertex equals(h,k).

  68. Harris, Emma-Period 3October 18, 2010 at 5:54 PM

    When the A changes it effects the slope. The hight the slope the narrower and the lower the slope the wider. The H is where the vertex is on x-axis. Therefore when changing that number it moves left and right. The K moves it up and down because it effects the y- axis position.

  69. Yancey, Jake-Lilly-period 3 said........................October 18, 2010 at 6:11 PM

    When A is changed the slope is also changed. When A is changed to a negative number the slope then goes downward. When H is moved the the vertex also moves right and left. When k moves the vertex is moved up and down.

  70. Cacayan, Leland-Lilly-period 3
    Variable a represents the slope. If the slope is positive, then it is in the shape of a V. If it is negative, it is an upside-down V. Variable h represents the vertex point's position on the x-axis. If it is positive, then the vertex is located in the first quadrant. If it is negative, it is located in second quadrant. Variable k represents the vertex point's position on the y axis.If it is negative, then the vertex is placed in the third and/or fourth quadrant. If it is positive, then the vertex is placed in the first and/or second quadrant.

  71. Werner, Jacob-Lilly-Pd.1 said...October 18, 2010 at 6:27 PM

    When A is changed the slope of the function is altered. The higher the slope the narrower, the lower the slope the wider the lines are. Positive slopes make the graph open up, negative slopes make the graph open down. When H is altared, the point where the vertex lies on the x axis changes. Positive H moves the vertex to the right, negative H moves the vertex to the left. When K is altared, the point where the vertex lies on the y axis is changed. Positive K moves the vertex up, negative K moves the vertex down. Vertex=(H,K)

  72. Nick Short, Lilly, Pd 3October 18, 2010 at 6:34 PM

    When the A value is changed, the slope is changed. If A is positive, then the function will point upwards. When A is negative, the function points downwards. H affects the location of the vertex of the function on the x-axis. The vertex will be on the right of the y-axis when H is negative, and it will be on the left when H is positive. K represents where the vertex is located on the y-axis. If the K value is positive, then the vertex will be above the x-axis, and below it if K is negative.

  73. karis poore lilly period 1October 18, 2010 at 6:44 PM

    Basically when A changes the slope of the function is changed. If the H is changed that makes the function move on the x axis, if negative goes to the left and if positive goes to the right. If K is changed that makes the function move along the y axis, if negative goes down and if positive goes up.

  74. Justice Lee, Lilly, Period 3October 18, 2010 at 7:02 PM

    A changes the line's slope from the y-axis, H moves the vertex of the function right or left on the x-axis, and K moves the vertex of the function up or down on the y-axis.

  75. Achey, Christi-Lilly-period 3October 18, 2010 at 7:09 PM

    For absolute value graphs, when one moves the "A" slider that changes the slope of the line to get bigger or smaller. When one moves the "H" slider that moves the graph left and right ont the x-axis and when one moves the "K" slider, the graph moves up and down on the y-axis. Thus the "H" and "K" sliders change the x and y- intercepts and the "A" slider changes the slope of the line from steeper to flatter.

  76. Tom Wagner, Lilly, pd. 1October 18, 2010 at 7:10 PM

    Changing the a value changes the slope. Changing the h value moves the vertex along the x-axis. Changing the k value moves the vertex along the y-axis. When h or k is positive, the vertex moves right or up. When they are negative, the vertex moves left or down.

  77. Jessica Reppert - period 3October 18, 2010 at 7:22 PM

    The "a" variable is slope, and the further the number that "a" represents is from zero, the steeper the slope. The "h" variable is the x-value at the vertex, and making it greater or less than zero moves the vertex to the right or the left. The "k" variable is the y-value at the vertex, and making it greater than or less than zero moves it up or down.

  78. The "a" stands for the slope of the line. When the "a" value is further from zero it makes a steeper slope. The "h" is the x-axis value. when moved to the left it is less, but to the right it is more. The "k" variable is the y-axis value. And it made greater if it is moved up, and vice versa.

  79. Kiefer, James Lilly period 3October 18, 2010 at 7:47 PM

    The "a" stands for the slope of the line. when you make the "a" larger it makes the line steeper. when you make the "a" smaller it makes the line less steep.The "h" moves the line along the X axis, or left or right. But when you move the "h" it stays the same on the y axis.The "k" moves the line along the y axis, it either goes up or down. when you incress this number or decress it doesn't change the line on the x axis.

  80. Katie Westley - lilly, pd 3October 18, 2010 at 7:49 PM

    the A represents slope and when the A is positive, the function points upward. if the slope if negative, then the function points downwards. if you change the H, you are changing the vertex on the x-axis. so, if H is positive, it will move the vertex to the left along the x axis and if it is negative, it will move to the right. K shows where the vertex is on the y-axis. a positive k variable means that the vertex will be above the x-axis and a negative k variable means that the vertex will be below it.

  81. Schumacher, Ryan PD.2 LillyOctober 18, 2010 at 8:13 PM

    As "a" gets larger, the slope increase. As "a" gets smaller, the slope decreases. For "h" it changes the position of the vertex. It shifts it left and right. As for "K" it also changes the position of the vertex but goes up and down.

  82. Francos, Andrew Pd. 9October 18, 2010 at 8:24 PM

    As the value of "a" increases, the lines become steeper and closer together. When the value of "H" is increased or decreased, it moves left to right along the X axis. When the value of "K" is inceased or decreased, it moves up and down the Y axis.

  83. Nguyen, Tram Lilly - pd. 2October 18, 2010 at 8:25 PM

    As "a" increases, the slope increases. As "a" decreases in number, the slop is less steep. "H" determines the position of the vertex. As this number increases, the vertex moves to the right of the x-axis, but when the number is smaller, the vertex will be moving to the left on the x-axis. "K" is basically the y-intercept which moves either up or down the y-axis.

  84. Chambers, Meredith pd. 1 LillyOctober 18, 2010 at 8:43 PM

    The A determines the slops, and as it increases the lines on the graph become more steep and as it decreases the lines on the graph become more wide. The H determines the position of the vertex on the x-axis, and as it increases it moves to the right and as it decreases it moves to the left. The K determines the position of the vertex on the y-axis, and as it increases it moves up and as it decreases it moves down.

  85. Mikes, Alexandra-pd1October 18, 2010 at 8:51 PM

    "H" determines the position of the vertex. When the value of "H" is positive it will move the vertex to the left along the x-axis; and if the "H" value is negative it will move to the right along the x-axis. "K" determines where the vertex is on the y-axis. If the variable "K" is positive, the position of the vertex will be above the x-axis; if the variable "K" is negative, the position of the vertex will be below the x-axis. "A" represents slope. When "A" is positive the function points upwards and the lines are close together which means the slope has increased. When "A" is negative the function points downward and the lines are further apart which means the slope has decreased.

  86. Melos, Mackenzie. Lilly, pd. 3October 18, 2010 at 9:15 PM

    The "a" stands for the slope of the line and when you move the slider, the slope either increases of decreases. The h slider changes the vertex, moving it either to the left or right (along the x- axis). Oppositely, the k slider moves the vertex up and down along the y axis.

  87. Andy Ravel Lilly period 1October 18, 2010 at 9:26 PM

    I found out that when the A slider was changed the slope of the lines changed. Positive slopes make the graph open up, negative slopes make the graph open down. The higher the slope the narrower, the lower the slope the wider the lines are. Positive H moves the vertex to the right, negative H moves the vertex to the left. When K is altared, the point where the vertex lies on the y axis is changed. Positive K moves the vertex up, negative K moves the vertex down.When H is altared, the point where the vertex lies on the x axis changes. Vertex=(H,K)

  88. Cremer, Alicia Pd2-LillyOctober 18, 2010 at 10:12 PM

    "a" represents the slope. "h" is where the vertex is on the x axis. "k" is where the vertex is on the y axis.

  89. Brittany Dulski Lilly period 1October 18, 2010 at 10:23 PM

    A is the slope of the two sides of the absolute value function. If a is greater than zero the "V" opens up. If a is less than zero the "V" opens down. H is the x value in the vertex, determines how far left or right the function goes. K is the y value in the vertex, determines how far up or down the function goes.

  90. Kelly-Buckley, Mary Shea- Lilly, pd. 1October 18, 2010 at 11:05 PM

    The variable "a" represents the slope of both lines in the graph. If the slider controling the variable "a" is altered positively the slope will increase, and the v shape the graph creates will remain right side up. On the other hand, if the slope is altered so it becomes negative, the v will appear upside down due to the negative slope of both sides of the graph. The variable "h" determines the location of the vertex along the x axis and alters its location by moving it horizontally across the screen. If the slider is moved more positively the graph will shift to the right, and if negative, to the left. The absolute value of the variable "h" represents the x value of the vertex formed by the two lines on the graph. The variable "k" determines the y value of the vertex present on the graph, and if made more positive will shift the graph upwards. If made more negative, the graph will shift downwards along the y axis.

  91. Marth, Ali - Lilly Period 3October 18, 2010 at 11:24 PM

    The variable "a" represents the slope; therefore the slope will either increase or decrease depending on what number the slope is. When the number is higher, the V's angle will also increase, but the lower the number, the smaller the V's angle. The letter "h" moves the vertex left or right along the x- axis. When the number is positive it moves the number to the right, and when the number is negative it moves it to the left. Furthermore the letter "k" is the y value and this number determines whether it moves upward or downward along the y-axis. A positive "k" number moves the vertex up, and a negative "k" number moves the vertex down. In conclusion, when any of these variables are changed the graph will also alter accordingly.

  92. Tomoiaga, Maria Lilly 2nd periodOctober 19, 2010 at 7:27 AM

    If you change the a, the slope of the lines will change. If the a is positive the is positive, but if the a is negative, then the lines go opposite the positive. If you change the h, the x coordinate changes. Lastly, if you change the k, the y coordinate changes.

  93. Chai, Michele Pd 2 LillyOctober 19, 2010 at 7:58 AM

    The a represents the slope. If it is a negative, it will reflect over the "x" axis, it tells you whether the line will get steeper if the slope is higher or not as steep if "a" is smaller.If a is negative, it will reflect over the x axis into an "A" shape. The "h" shifts the graph along the "x" axis. The "k" moves the graph up and down the y-axis.

  94. McDevitt, Elyse pd.2 LillyOctober 19, 2010 at 8:09 AM

    the "a" in the equation deals with slope. when the number is increased, so does the slope. when decreased, the slope becomes flatter untill it hits the negatives, then it starts to get steep again.
    the "h" in the equation deals with the vertex. if positive, it moves to the right, negative left. changes along the x axis
    the "k" moves the graph up (if positive) or down (if negative) along the y axis

  95. Wang,Daniel pd3 LillyOctober 19, 2010 at 8:50 AM

    In the equation, "a" represents the slope. As you change the a, the slope changes the line distance from the y-axis. When it increases,the slope will increase as well. h is the x value in the vertex,when moving the h, it changes the axis of semmetry up and down the axis, so when it is positive, it moves to the right, when its negative it moves to the left.
    k moves the axis of semmetry up and down the y-axis, so when its positive it moves up and when its negative it moves down.

  96. Naugle, Mikaela P2 LillyOctober 19, 2010 at 2:29 PM

    *The A in the equation correlates to the slope. If the A is a posative number, the lines of the graph represent a V. If the A is a negative number, the lines of the gragh represent a ^. If the number is close to 0 the wider the V is and the less steep the slope of the lines are. If the number is farther from 0 then the V is narrower and the slope of the lines are steeper.
    *The H in the equation correlates to the x value in the vertex data set. When the H increases posatively, the vertex moves to the right.When it decreases negatively,the vertex moves to the left
    *The K in the equation correlates to the y value in the vertex data set.When the K increases posatively, the vertex moves upward.When it decreases negatively,the vertex moves downward.

  97. Eli Brandmier-Lilly per. 3October 20, 2010 at 7:24 AM

    When you change "a" the higher the absolute value of the number the steeper the slope. The higher "H" is the furthur right the x intercept will on the x axis. The higher the number "k" the higher on the y intercept will be.

  98. Diaz, Rebecca - Lilly pd1October 20, 2010 at 7:34 PM

    "a" is the slope of the absolute value. When it is moved higher or lower the slope either increases or decreases. "h" determines the x-intercept; increasing/decreasing the value moves it left or right. "k" determines the y-intercept; increasing/decreasing the value moves it up or down.
